Cantatas on Mary Magdalene

Mary Magdalene is a prominent figure in devotional literature, inspiring a multitude of writers, thinkers, believers, and artists due to the multifaceted nature of her personality and the manifold distinctive features she embodies. In the realm of music, she has been widely featured in the Oratorio repertoire, and there are also numerous compositions dedicated to her in the private genre of the solo cantata or secular vocal monody. The most common theme among these works is Mary Magdalene mourning at the foot of the Cross.

St. Mary Magdalene

Mary Magdalene, portrayed with stunning detail and emotion in Titian's 16th century masterpiece.

Luigi Rossi composed three cantatas featuring Mary Magdalene: Pender non prima vide, O grotta, o speco, o sasso, and Un allato messaggier. The structure of Pender non prima vide is similar to other secular lamenti, with a narrator introducing Mary's monologue. O grotta, o speco, o sasso refers to the cave of Sainte Baume in Provence, where Mary Magdalene is said to have retired in penance. This lamento focuses on her quest for redemption, and the opening O grotta, o speco, o sasso is marked by an ascending melodic line that conveys a sense of invocation.

Mary Magdalene in a Landscape by Annibale Carracci (1560-1609), on display at the Fitzwilliam Museum.

Un allato messaggier is an anonymous contrafactum of Rossi's famous lamento Un ferito cavaliero. The original cantata is a lament of the Queen of Sweden upon her husband Gustav's death, and the contrafactum replaces the queen's sorrow with Mary Magdalene's affliction for the death of Jesus. The composition begins with a winged messenger paying obeisance to the "divine woman" and disclosing the tidings of the Lord's death, before focusing entirely on Mary Magdalene's tearful sorrow expressed in the first person.

Mary Magdalene in Ecstasy: A captivating portrayal by Artemisia Gentileschi, 17th century Italian Baroque painter.

If you're interested in delving into the musical works inspired by Mary Magdalene during the 17th century, I invite you to check out my thoughtfully curated playlist on this fascinating topic: 17th century Cantatas on Mary Magdalene. You will find a selection of beautiful and hauntingly evocative pieces, including the cantatas by Luigi Rossi that I discussed in this post. And for those who would like to delve even deeper, I have transcribed these cantatas and made them available for purchase at my virtual store. I hope you enjoy this journey through the musical expressions of devotion and reflection inspired by this fascinating biblical figure.

Reference: Gialdroni, Teresa M. "Cantatas on Mary Magdalene, a Sinner and Holy Woman." 2018.


Depictions of the Virgin Mary in Italian Solo Song of the 17th Century


Baroque Women Composers